
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Bay Shore

Today, on the eighth day of my diet, I met up with my study group. Everyone was snacking on junk food while I stuck to carrots. Someone put a Snickers bar on the table. "God, I want you," I thought. Turns out I was thinking out loud. The guy next to me inched his chair away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 333
You deserved it 8 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xivoricbutterfly 25

No shame in loving chocolate. Camly grab it and run away.

Greenteamextreme 16


Cadillac4427 8

"Hungry? Grab a Snickers" one ? Really ? Too soon. ...

thought about it but it seemed to expected, we have a whole three future pages of comments for people to repost that while simultaneously having ethical arguments on body image and ethics lol

Hate to break it to you, but exercise is even more important when you're diabetic or have other insulin related issues.

I don't really think it's a YDI or really an YLS... but if i could thumb up an FML I would this one.

icepick23 12
colton_colton 49

You're not you when you're hungry

moosetracks22 10

Hey OP, have you tried checking out apps like loseit or myfitnesspal? I have been using myfitnesspal since May and it has helped me lose almost 30lbs. The best part is you can eat whatever you want as long as it's in your daily budget. So if you really wanted that snickers bar you could've had it as long as you made it fit into your daily calories.

You can't think of dieting as a list of foods you can eat and a list of foods you can't. You want a snickers? Get a fun-size and enjoy it as slowly as possible if you have a habit of eating the entire bar. This applies to any kind of junk food: if you enjoy it in moderation, it's perfectly fine. Going on a diet isn't something you do for a few months and then drop. If you're hoping to lose weight, and keep that weight off, you need to change your eating habits for life and learn that it's perfectly okay to indulge your cravings every once in a while.

I think it would have been a bigger FML if he inched closer...

Diets don't work. You can only fight the temptation to not eat "forbidden" foods at all for so long and then the next thing you know you wolf down a whole bag of cookies. Everything in moderation.