Cool your jets

By unimpressed bride - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Traverse City

Today, it's been two weeks since I got married. It's also two weeks since my husband got cold feet about moving in together, because he thinks the sudden change would be too emotionally distressing for his cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 298
You deserved it 3 209

Top comments

I honestly can't tell which ones more of a pussy. Your husband or his cat.

Tell him it's either his kitty or yours.


I've had plenty of'll live...

mrswombat 16

This is why my cat moved back to my childhood (her previous home too) home with my mom for a few months when I got married. I took her over to my new house on short visit until I moved her over officially. Big changes take careful consideration when pets are involved!

Bring the cat on daily visits to your place for increasing periods of time, until it gets used to living there

Honestly i blame the cat, cats are assholes and he'a prolly been planning this one ever since you guys met

You married before you moved in together? I'd be less worried about the cat than about you two making it past the first year...

ironik69 31

I am just curious as to why this issue wasn't hashed out before the wedding and move. It seems that if his kitty is that important, this would have been a very important topic beforehand.

Is his cat called Sheldon Cooper? But seriously, YDI for marrying someone before moving in together.

If they were in Teheran or any other radically religious environment I'd understand ... Oh wait, they're in Michigan... Never mind then, forget what I said. But really, if they were that gung-ho about going into marriage untouched, both of them of course, then there should not be anything standing in the way of living together. There is only so much quirks that love can overcome and I think it's important you learn about them before committing for the rest of your life. And you don't learn those with a few sleepovers. And this is why I think it's important .. you commit for life, but you can't really mean it, if you only know the other person from a hundred or even two hundred sleepovers.