
By balloonface - 18/02/2016 07:48 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I finally treated myself and bought my first moisturizer. The woman at Sephora promised it would "retexturize my face." If by "retexturize" she meant, "make it feel like a rubber balloon," then she was right on the money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 805
You deserved it 2 318

Same thing different taste


Always test out a skin product on a small portion of your hand first to see if you have any negative reactions.

my hands are way less sensitive than my face. if I test something on my hands it may not react but then I put it on my face and neck and it does....

TweetAnne 13

Just a few tips when shopping at Sephora. When trying out something new always ask for a sample. You can either ask one of the store associate for a recommendation or search up a few options online and ask for them in store. If you buy something without trying you can always return it for a full refund. A great thing about Sephora that I enjoy are their favorites kits. They tend to have multiple products at a great price. It's a good way to try out new stuff without committing to the full size.

Order online where you can read reviews?? It's not rocket science it's just like any other product

moo77_fml 20
momac86 17

Always test a small area of skin first next time

I have a lot of issues with most moisturizers. The best one I've found is the "Yes to" brand.... I like "Yes to carrots" "Yes to cucumbers" and "Yes to blueberries". I don't usually go for "natural" or "organic" products... but this one is just plain good.

hbs11476 9

Why spend tons of money at Sephora? Go to your local drugstore and get a bottle of Oil of Olay Moisturizer for sensitive skin. I've been using it for years and no one believes I just turned 40! I frequently get told I look like I'm still in my 20's.

The good thing about Sephora is that you can sample any product before you buy it, I would suggest sampling different moisturizers before hand and seeing which one works best for your skin type. That way you don't waste a ton of money on a product that doesn't work for you :)