
By zawbentley - 26/09/2009 07:01 - United States

Today, I called my boss to let her know that I was suffering from severe depression and that my doctor suggested I take a month's leave. Her response? "Glad you are getting help, however we can't hold your job. No need to come to the office, we'll mail your stuff to you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 975
You deserved it 6 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go sue happy. You got the doc's note already right?

Well unless you had something written from your doctor saying you needed to take leave, your boss had no obligation to hold your job for you. It's most likely going to be an ongoing problem and if you need to take that much leave for it it's most likely going to effect your performance again.


tony8pie 0

You're boss is wrong. You can't terminate someone for being sick. You CAN take a medical leave under the advice of a doctor. Threaten to sue if necessary.

Okay, so after a few minutes of research, combined with personal experience... Rhode Island is a forced unionism state, not a right to work state. That probably doesn't matter. You can try calling your union rep, but it probably won't get you anywhere. A doctor cannot legally excuse you from work. They do not have the authority. That's a misconception. Those notes they write, from a legal standpoint, are only suggestions to the employer. This was not a discriminatory act. They didn't fire you because of illness and/or depression. They fired you because of attendance. If they would've fired anyone else in the office for being gone for a month for any other reason, they can fire you for your absence as well. I'm in a right to work state. I was fired from a job after 2 years because I was in a car accident, on my way to work, that made me unable to work for a week. This put me over my attendance points and when I came back, I no longer had a job. I called the Department of Labor. They basically said what I said above--not discrimination. They fired me for absence. However, since it also wasn't my fault, I was granted unemployment insurance.

rdsxfan 0

There's such a thing as family medical leave. Why can't you use that?

Pretty sure that's illegal where you are. check this out Talk to a lawyer.

According to that, they're still out of luck. Assuming they meet the qualifications required for length of employment and so forth, the 30 days advance notice was not given and they'd have a rough road proving this is a medical emergency that made it impossible to give those 30 days. Plus, if the doctor did not provide written certification, and only suggested they take some time off, which is what the FML says, then they're really not going to get anywhere with the FMLA route. I mean, it can't hurt to call their union rep, but it probably won't help, either.

explodingpupppet 0

you deserve it, i mean depression sucks but seriously asking for a month off of work? you cant seriously expect for ppl to be ok with that...

trakus 0

Your boss is an ass. I wish it wasn't like this, but you should have seen it coming. Chivalry is dieing and i guess we have to cope with that. It's sad really. Just turn the other cheek. It's the best way.

depression really is horrible, but you cant expect to keep your job after 1 months leave.. your gonna have to make a sacrifice

They cannot legally do that to you...

lol Yes indeed they can, and did. Can you really expect them to wait around for a month with no one working the OP's job?

supermike33 0

YDI Depression is not a disease. Be happy you have a ******' job and I'm guessing a decent house. People who whine about "WAAA I'M DEPRESSED BECAUSE I HAVE TO DO SO MUCH WORK AT MY JOB" deserve to be shot.

lem0n_fml 0

Who the **** said it was because of work? There are so many factors that can lead to depression. And how do you know what kind of living conditions the OP is in? Don't make assumptions.

underyourbreath 8

Then by your standards, cancer is not a disease. That's right, all those million of people who go through chemo just whine: "WWAAAAAA!! MY CELLS DIVIDE OUT OF CONTROL, THEY'LL EVENTUALLY DESTROY MY OTHER HEALTHY TISSUES! WWWWAAAA!!!" Or perhaps your view of Huntington's disease: "BOOOOHOOO!!! MY NEURONS ARE DEGRADING AND I'LL DIE A SLOW DEATH!!!! WWWAAAAAA!!!" STFU