Come again?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at work I asked a cute, albeit slightly large customer, her name. Being hard of hearing, I thought she said "Porky" and asked her about it. Turns out she'd said Courtney. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 770
You deserved it 11 226

Top comments

ikickgingers 15

Th th th that's all folks. Ah I made myself lol.

Why wouldn't you just say "sorry, I didn't catch that. Can you repeat your name"? I guess you don't go far with the ladies


What if eating meat has a small relation to the name porky? What if you look like a slab of meat, or in your case, your brain is a slab of meat, that doesn't mean you eat it.

Well.. curiosity did kill the cat... In your case "Porky killed OP".

But going back to your comment "what if she was a vegetarian".... So what? The girl was overweight, that's the FML here dumbass. That's like me asking, What if she were Jewish?

# 34, did the "slightly large customer" fart? No! What's the link with the past FML? Vegeterians can't be called Courtney? If it is a reference, it is a pretty stupid one. I think # 1 ejaculated a little too early with this one.

I wouldve loved to see the look on poor courtneys face

I hope you don't work at Denny's, she won't be ordering the pork special.

monkeybanana 7

I think 1 meant it would be doubly offensive if she were named PORKy, as she wouldn't ear meat, yet was named after one.

TigerSpots 4

I know you got a lot of mean comments, but just so you know I know what you ment and found it quite funny :)

SemperFi_23 6

Congratulations! Go eat pork now.

zebraface123 6
Notjustanother1 0

are you sure it wasn't Chloe ???

koolkat27 13

83- and so the two biggest idiots of FML found each other...

ghm1234 0

I think I know her. Was she asian?

Alwayspullout 7

Why the f#!k would her name be porky?? Did you honestly believe that was her name?

Yep. In such times one should say 'I'm sorry, I didn't catch that' Especially since the OP is hard of hearing, he shouldn't assume that everything he thinks he hears is correct.

koolkat27 13
13FTW 9

Porkward? People have no creative comments anymore.

That wasn't even a creative comment back in the day lol you fail at the most basic of instincts making fun of others! EPIC FAIL!

mrbendystraw 0

Epic fail? Dude, that phrase became obsolete and unoriginal since 2007. There's absolutely no humor behind it anymore, and rather than laughing, I'm wanting to punch you. When your sense of humor exceeds that of a 12-year-old on Xbox Live saying he banged your mom, then comment on a thread with original content. Until then, shut up.

I thought It was funny. You guys seriously need to get out there in the world

I agree, it wasn't that bad. It made me giggle actually.

youjustmademelol 4

Agree with 13 anyway why would you want to know? Are you some weird man who has fat neck fetishes?

stacianichole 2

Are you referring to the artist who is famous for his controversial depictions of the Pope on fire? If so, that makes no sense.

ikickgingers 15

Th th th that's all folks. Ah I made myself lol.

leadman1989 15

I think you've brought lulz to the hearts of many with that one.

perdix 29

Thufferin' thuccotash, Kicky, you made a lot of us LOL :D

Torva_fml 16

Mother ****** >.< I was gonna go post this.. Until I saw your comment.

13FTW 9

38, HEY HEY watching the ******' language dipshit. As to kicky and perdix, "th-th-that-th-tha-th-th....... Go home folks"

Why wouldn't you just say "sorry, I didn't catch that. Can you repeat your name"? I guess you don't go far with the ladies

It sounds easy this way. In reality, it is. Guess OP won't make this mistake again.

Did she at least fill the potholes she left by walking through the store?

leadman1989 15

And your picture goes SO well with that comment. Because it's something Wayne is just dumb enough to say lol.

AgentSmith79 9

...says the guy who idolizes a no talent ass-clown.

stacianichole 2

Aren't you pretending to be a mediocre rapper on the Internet? You sir, don't get to call people names.