
By EK. - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in the middle of dinner, I went to rest my chin on my hand, missed, and stuck the straw from my drink straight up my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 444
You deserved it 8 008

Top comments

Ouch. Hope you're okay now. A good guy would find that somewhat endearing. Don't worry about some asshole who doesn't call you because you're a bit of a klutz.


rachelmacivor 0

surves ya right for tryina snort water ;D

AnonymousCoolGuy 0
UnderTheMoon 0

OP, YDI for not being able to tell a story.

varkey 7

all right so who's he?? sorry, YDI for leaving out an important part of the FML

mylifepwnz 0

so? I've done that tons of times lol

mylifepwnz 0

so? I've done that tons of times lol

rachilio 26