
By Etyl - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Indonesia

Today, I struggled through a one hour traffic jam to get to the airport to pick up my dad who was just coming back from an overseas trip. I got there only to find that he had given me the wrong date, and I had to drive home. Best part? I have to do it all over again tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 344
You deserved it 3 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Why don't you just stay at the airport for 24 hours? You could get all your Christmas shopping done at all those intriguing and fairly-priced stores at the airport. If you don't celebrate Christmas, just give people gifts for no reason. They'll think you are insanely great.


rbr0wn 3

Just download some new music that you can sing along to. You'll be wishing your drive was longer once you get in to it.

muffinosaur 6

Lots of people have to deal with major traffic jams everyday , it's called driving in rush hour. Sure it sucks that you had to be in it for no reason, but an hour in traffic isn't THAT bad, so please, just get over yourself, you'll see your dad soon and it should all be worth it in the end.

Ever hear of this fancy thing that Gore created called the Internet? YDI.

Tell him to take a cab now that you went through that... Or at least pay for gas for both trips

Man, he's defending your country so how bout you quit whining

Ergayles 9

Why are you and 36 assuming that op's father is coming home from war?

When I was coming back to California from Korea, I mixed up the dates as well. I couldn't figure out whether I was arriving on Saturday in Korean time or Saturday in Los Angeles time.. It happens. I eventually figured it out, but yeah :(