Chain of command

By braceforcarnage - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got broken up with. In a text message. She texted my grandma, who then had to forward said text to me. I got broken up via grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 556
You deserved it 3 224


I'm very sorry for you. You will find a new SO to be with. Who wouldn't break up with via text message and especially not through your grandmothers phone.

Hold on, why does she have your grandmothers number?

Let's be real here, the thing we should all be looking at, is the fact that a grandmother was able to FORWARD A TEXT.

what's now...did your grandma console you....

Wow, you deserve better. She can't even break up with you face to face. She's immature.

damwoods 12

I broke up with a girl through her best friend once. She proceeded to date and cheat on my brother. Message: Karma will get them. Don't you worry.