Caught in 4K

By ugh - 23/09/2009 19:32 - United States

Today, I found a video camera behind a plant in my bedroom. My husband uses it to video tape himself having sex, with another woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 013
You deserved it 2 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

divorce him .... use the tapes as evidence in court you're likely to get more since he is the scum of the earth

flyboy57 0

tape a **** you I'm leaving video for him!


Jbiebs82 0

Here's what you do: Get a sock monkey or a blow up doll. Turn on the video camera a pretend to have it off. Wait till ur husband finds it. He'll confrout you and show him his tape. Call him a bastard and tell him ur leaving.

waffenfabrik 0

First, confront him. If he doesn't apologize, get out the baseball bat and the MG42. If he does, get out the baseball bat and the Browning M1919 just to get even. When his guts are on the wall, move on with your life. Wear gloves.

mayb he secretly has a job for a **** website?

NeonBubblez 6

What an asshole! Divorce his unfaithful ass! And get someone who deserves you. Deff. FYL./:

pimpinskater 0

I hope you ******* left that nasty disgrace of a man

SynysterNero 20

I'm guessing there was a divorce soon after.

I hope you plan on leaving him you deserve better than that and for ppl who clicked YDI are idiots and are probably like the soon ex hubby