Caught in 4K

By reptar2009 - 02/12/2009 00:49 - United States

Today, my parents found cigarettes in my car. After a long argument lasting over an hour, I convinced them that they weren't mine and that I don't smoke. A few minutes later, I went to work. Guess who decided to visit me during my smoke break. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 423
You deserved it 87 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

glorbnakcs 0
cpatrick820 3

Honestly, who do you expect to feel bad for you? You just admitted you lied. You got caught in a lie. Boo ******' hoo


rockybalboaaa_ 6

But YDI 'cause smoking is gross . Why did you even start ? No girl finds that attractive . Hope you like yellow , decayed teeth and bad breath . And a stinky car .

YDI for lying however smoking is a decision that I have to live with I personally am tired of hearing about people sayin I shuldnt smoke I have to deal with drunk peoples bullshit on a daily basis and yes their stupidity directly affects me I.e. drunk texts/calls at 3am, cant hardly understand what they r sayin when u try to have a conversation with them, smelling the sickening alcohol smell on them, etc. I dont drink but I also dont feel the need to lecture someone on the "dangers of it" nor give them shit bout the smell I expect the same in respect when it comes to my life choices

Your smoking will probably kill you before your parents do. YDI

ThTs why yu hide them in the glove department ..!! Like me ahahah & don't let them see lol

Mortoli 30

My mom still doesn't know I smoke lol I'm glad for that too. Sadly I'm 20 yrs old brother is 25 smoker if she finds out I smoke I'll probably be kicked out of the house. She already knows bout my bro lol it sucks being the youngest.

ghostriley 14