Can't win

By Anonymous - 06/01/2024 18:00 - United States

Today, if I don't do work around the house, my girlfriend will call me a lazy pig and yell at me. If I do, she will yell because I didn't do it the right way. If I ask her to clarify the right way, she will call me a dumbass, give useless instructions, and work herself up into yelling at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 728
You deserved it 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This won't be easy, but break up with her. She is controlling and abusive (emotionally and verbally). You deserve better.

Nico97 3

its not about the housework. she needs to communicate what’s really wrong


EricW 4

Here is a useful instruction : leave her

She has a problem and refuses to communicate it and defaults to being angry. She needs to try a bit harder to figure herself out as treating someone else like that is not ok in any realm, no matter if you're a guy or girl. I think it might be time to end the relationship if something doesn't change soon