But wait, there's more!

By T-Pain - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend stopped making out with me to watch a thirty minute infomercial on the Topsy-Turvy upside down tomato planter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 947
You deserved it 7 255

Top comments

poolshark 0

1)How the hell does one rip up a tomato planter? (#4) 2)Why does there happen to be a Topsy Turvey Upside Down Tomato Planter ad on this page? Propaganda much?


Is his name Romano Vargas by any chance?

metro_mello 0

to the op: oh cry me a ******* river. i am the stfu queen and ive come to give you a visit :)

ZacharyorAndrew 0

you mean: so YOU can make him delicious salads

gammielikeoh 0

OMG I love watching those!!!! I would have stopped too

AmericanGirl69 0

you're not going to die. this FML isn't really worth it. yeah he stopped making out, but there's always later.

you must suck at making out then lmfao ha ja lol

That makes me laugh, because the same damn thing happened to me, except it was for some dryer balls or something.

Maybe he wants some tomatoes in order to to toss her salad better?