Bushed out

By en3rg1zer21 - 06/08/2011 05:15 - United States

Today, I was peeing when I sneezed. I looked down to see that my gum had flown out of my mouth and gotten caught in my pubes. On the upside, I got a new look. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 428
You deserved it 9 533

Same thing different taste


66- I gagged, just a little, while reading that.

Who does all of those things at the same time?

Magigguy_836 1
a_nutritionist 10

38, the "how is that crude" part of your message was the only part not full of shit. refusing to accept that people have a legitimate preference for hair is just as stupid as refusing to accept those without.

angiedancesalott 8

I wouldn't expect gum falling onto pubes to get stuck. Gum never sticks to my hair if it falls on it (maybe will hold onto it but never sticks to the point where I need to get something to remove it). It would require some pushing/force to mix the gum in with the hairs. :x