Both sides now

By microtech - 13/12/2011 17:33 - United States

Today, at the microbiology lab, I discovered that the guy who took the shift before me didn't sterilize the work space very well. I am now blowing chunks from both ends from a very nasty strain of E. Coli. My company blames me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 675
You deserved it 3 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stinkmeaner 3

Thats why you should sterilize before you start your shift!!!

perdix 29


If your working with dangerous bacteria why would u not clean before you start it never hurts to sterilize before and after

Come on OP. I'm studying biotechnology in high school and I'm not even in micro yet but of my past/current biology teachers have made it clear how important it is to sterilize your space before and after working! Especially before! You should already be an expert at this considering all the school it must have taken to get where you are now. You are lucky it wasn't something more dangerous. YDI.

Isn't that the one that kills you within five days and has no cure? O.o

No, that's ebola. E-coli is one of the more common viruses which cause food poisoning.

AwesomeJ_fml 0

E. coli is part of your natural gut flora.

thefuckinloser 6

why you did not sterilize your work space when you got there?

thefuckinloser is right... I work in a lab (molecular biology) and you ALWAYS sterilize before you do anything. Never assume the guy that was there before you sterilized everything. Especially if you work with strains that are pathogenic to humans! Partly FML, party YDI.

That happened to me at school :( it sucks im sorry

Next time his shift is after yours, smear some anthrax or Ebola around for him.

AwesomeJ_fml 0

Well the only person to blame is yourself. The first thing you learn in any micro-lab is as part of proper aseptic techniques is to wipe down and clean up before you start working because you don't know if the last person who used it did or not.