Blackout drunk

By MagnusDeus - 07/06/2015 15:46 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I left a concert with my drunk mother who had spilled beer all over my shirt. I drove her home and she slept it off. Later, my mom "found" my shirt in the laundry and grounded me for drinking behind her back. She won't believe me that it was her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 848
You deserved it 1 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

paravoz 30

Next time record it for evidence

FrostyNipz19 12

just ask her who was driving that night


That sucks! Doesn't she realise she can't remember the night?

There's no way she didn't have a hangover. Maybe she's denying she has a problem.

How do you know? I know many people who get black out drunk and don't get hangovers. It's silly to assume that someone "must have had a hangover", especially when you don't know them.

Maybe she DOES know it was her but she's decided to blamed you, it's considered more probable for an adolesent to end up drunk than the parent. It's not fair, I know.

la_luna 14

My grandma was belligerent drunk and she didn't believe us when we told her what happened until we showed her the videos. Then she remembered some of the things she did.

Plot twist: OP was so drunk that he/she thought that their mom was so drunk that she thought OP was drinking.

ColonelCusswords 24

Blackout drunk means blackout drunk

Wouldn't a drug test come back negative? Or does alcohol not come up on them?

You can detect alcohol for about 12-24 hours after drinking.

Sleeping it off is the worst way to get sober