Best day of my life

By poorgirl - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my dad threw up on my dress. My wedding dress. While he was walking me down the aisle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 319
You deserved it 3 480

Top comments


nervous? or u guys had shrimp? shrimp can do that...

Don't stereotype. My dad and I get into a argument if we spend more than thirty seconds together.

moopsy234 0

awwww how sad!!! he was probly nervous and at least u know no1 has that excact dress!!! x)

moopsy234 0

Aaaw poor baby lol but now the dress is "Unique" lol

is ur dress more important than ut dads health? ydi

elfuzzo 0

Well, no, she spelled 'dow' correctly. It was 'down' that she got wrong. And somehow, I doubt that karma extends to typos.

Aww sorry): He could have been nervous or sickk