Best day of my life

By poorgirl - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my dad threw up on my dress. My wedding dress. While he was walking me down the aisle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 319
You deserved it 3 480

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wait whoa, your WEDDING DAY? and your on the computer!? WTF!? get off the computer and enjoy the day! the dress shouldnt matter, nor ruin anything! if you are really in love, you would get married wearing puke! let it go!

Every FML has to begin with, "Today". This could have happened a few days ago, last week, last month, or whenever. Maybe even in... THE FUTURE. *dramatic music*

Thank you for being the 3rd person to point this out on this thread, and about the millionth out of all FML you not notice a familiar format to all of them perhaps?

*Walks in covered in vomit?* Thanks AME. You douche.

Just couldn't quite handle his little girl growing up as well as he thought he could.

oh shit why???? was it his way of expressing how he felt about the wedding?

Dads... They make your most important occasions oh so special.

Whine, whine, whine. Shouldn't you be worried more about your father's health than your dress? A little self-centered don't you think? You only get one father; you could have many weddings. Bet your dad was glad to walk you down the aisle. Now you are your husband's problem.

I think the dad would have been fine. She would have mentioned if his condition deteriorated. Now let her fish for pity in peace.

Oh yea...because someone throwing up is SUCH a rare condition that you have to fear for their life*rolleyes* I'd be so upset too if it happened to me...because she basically only has two choices: walk around all day smelling like vomit or change into a different dress for the rest of the celebration which basically means she spent a lot of money on the wedding dress for nothing if she only wore it for about an hour...

down* pretty easy word to spell, I'm not sure how you managed to **** that up. You deserve it for not having an education

I'm not sure how you managed to forget to capitalize the first letter of your sentence, and end the second with a period. My 6 year old sister grasps these concepts.

KMW3558 0

YOU say FML? i bet he feels like shit. and not just for being sick or something. sucks for you, but what about him?

cactus_fml 0

As if it would ever get through moderation if she added, "Oh, and my dad probably feels bad too, so FHL."

Naw, they lose their bond when the dad sits on his rocking chair on the porch, shotgun in hand during her first date. It's the mommy girls have bonds with

greer 0

wow, that sucks. He was probably hungover.