Because I said so

By thesparrow - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, the girl whom I have loved for 4 years told me that she loved me too and would like to spend her life with me. This was before she told me that God did not want us to be together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 154
You deserved it 2 453

Top comments

kk_fml 0

well i had a friend from k-9th grade who told me that god didnt want us to be friends anymore and well honestly if shes hearing jesus in her head i dont think i want to be friends with her either


he's not an "invisible sky god". he's my lord and savior and became very visible when he manifested himself in jesus Christ. maybe he did tell this girl that he didn't want her to be with him. he didn't want me to attend a certain college and he lead me to the join the military. I've been here for a yr and am confident this is were im supposed to b in life.

there goes religion, ****** up yet another thing for people.

anndiwhite 0

I usually don't reply to these but I had to. who do u think gave you those "legs" to jump with joy every time u get an atheist girl friend? yeah, that's right that invisible sky God you mentioned (: have a nice day. always remember God loves you.

anndiwhite 0

how many is that? please enlighten me? because apparently you know.

anndiwhite 0

that's very sad. so when Jesus comes back what are u going to say to him as your standing at heavens gates? "well I WAS Christian and I did believe in u, but my boyfriend wouldn't convert, so I decided to convert to his religion. and I was happier" that's a little pathetic that u can change ur whole life and religion over a boyfriend, thats not even a promised relationship. when Gods relationship is eternity. I'll pray for you to find your way back

kalikay_fml 2

I've been in a very similar situation. It really sucks. Especially when you find out that they lied to you about it because they didn't want to tell you the real reason. <.<

cecs603 1

These comments are kind of offensive. I'm catholic but God doesn't just tell you to break up with someone, especially if you really love them. He wants you to be happy. You should tell her that and see what happens.