Because I said so

By thesparrow - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, the girl whom I have loved for 4 years told me that she loved me too and would like to spend her life with me. This was before she told me that God did not want us to be together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 154
You deserved it 2 453

Top comments

kk_fml 0

well i had a friend from k-9th grade who told me that god didnt want us to be friends anymore and well honestly if shes hearing jesus in her head i dont think i want to be friends with her either


Well, tell her that you wouldn't like to God stay with her forever.

well i had a friend from k-9th grade who told me that god didnt want us to be friends anymore and well honestly if shes hearing jesus in her head i dont think i want to be friends with her either

Sounds like a good thing. Avoid the religious freaks at all costs.

wow...Im not religious at all, but I really dont think she could be that crazy, she is probably just using her religion as an excuse to stop dating you. Did her parents like you? Maybe they told her that wasnt what god wanted. Either way, you could do a lot better. Either shes crazy or she is using her religion as an excuse, which isn't good either way.

JustAnotherAhole 0

You'd be surprised just how crazy people are when they invoke their religion as a means for living their life instead of guiding it. My GF of 5 years told me she wants to marry me, but God won't allow it because I'm not a virgin like she. I don't even know where people get this from the Bible, I've read it, God never says that... You're better off with someone who won't play games with your head.

christopherlove 0

Her God sounds like a douchebag. You should kick his ass.

why didn't God want you to be together? Lame break up line " [

tell her God thinks that you are the chosen one, and he chose you to give her a message from him that He doesn't like the way she is using His word to control her life. Tell her that He says He wants her to accept the love that the two of you have, and that you belong together, and that if she tries to stay apart from you, (His Chosen One) then she will burn in hell for her sin of disobeying His word. :D she'll probably fall for it. God is her shepherd. then, after that... you dump her. **** with that dumb sheep's head.

Brittface 6

Wow. That's a tad weird. Oh well, you can do so much better than her.