Bad hair day

By jzappe - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned that it takes about half an hour to get melted cheese out of your hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 335
You deserved it 6 117

Top comments

Why was there melted cheese in your hair to begin with???

maz255 10


And this is why you don't give cheese monsters handjobs...

Mercedes16 7

How does that even happen? Lol.

mellylicious 8

This should be interesting to hear about...

stacianichole 2

You just heard about it. Was it interesting?

jellitonoctopus 19

Op was probably having nachos and didn't realize her hair was in the plate. Happens to me all the time >.

cptmorgan6 8

What the ****-> The ****-> Da ****-> Dafuuuq. How does this happen?

Joshoa123 16

Generations of human devolution.

tlkin like dis mikz hem luuc kool apparently.

Melted cheese in the hair. Thats what she said.

hilary56 0

I feel ya, I've had gum in my hair before.

I'd seriously love to hear the story behind this.