Bad hair day

By jzappe - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned that it takes about half an hour to get melted cheese out of your hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 335
You deserved it 6 117

Top comments

Why was there melted cheese in your hair to begin with???

maz255 10


Why is there melted cheese in ur hair?

Narwhal234 6

Did that leave a munster of a tangle in your hair? You cheddar not try to eat it out of your hair. That would not be Gouda.

I dont even wanna know how u managed to get that in ur hair

And about 2 seconds to get it in there in the first place!

dontpanic_fml 32

Now how are we supposed to know if this is an FML or a YDI?

i wonder how that got there... nacho food fight.

Result of a food fight? Or something else...

I don't know why but I read that as half a year- I got really freaked out