Bad boy

By Anonymous - 02/03/2013 00:54 - United States

Today, I noticed my dog chewing on something while on the couch. It looked like a wash rag of some sort, so I grabbed it from my dog. It wasn't until after I picked it up that I noticed it wasn't a wash rag. It was a small, dead bird. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 780
You deserved it 3 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Therewhenneeded 16

Oh dear...been there, done that. My sympathies.


lool am I the only one who thought of family guy where Brian goes it was a gift for the family

skyeyez9 24

My dogs could care less about birds. But if a squirrel is nearby, they go apeshit.

fordfan89 9

he just wanted something besides kibble for once.

mrperspire 4

Ahhh. You ruined his surprise. Dogs always give their owners dead animals as gifts. He was just prepping it for you.

I kinda puked in my mouth! holy crap that's gross! I feel sorry that you touched that

Why is nobody addressing the fact that the bird was in the house? Either there was an honest-to-goodness Snow White moment with a bird in the house, or that dog can catch birds!