
By Trollface - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, while cuddling in bed, I tried to tell my girlfriend she was cute. It came out as, "I wish you were cuter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 615
You deserved it 4 046

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Today, while cuddling in bed, my boyfriend told me "I wish you were cuter." FML

How the hell is this missing context? They were in bed. They were cuddling. OP tried to say one thing, and the opposite came out. It happens.


Today, while cuddling in bed, my boyfriend told me "I wish you were cuter." FML

How the hell is this missing context? They were in bed. They were cuddling. OP tried to say one thing, and the opposite came out. It happens.

To OP: Apologize, tell her you meant to say she IS cute, if she's really upset, get her a small gift. (To FML: Please fix the edit function. It's been broken for almost two months- if not longer- by this point.)

that's what I call an oral contraceptive.

I'd ask her if she has any fruit by the foot, because I'm used to putting that in my mouth ;)

Play it off like you thought it was Opposite Day.

And that, my friend, is what we call a "colossal **** up"!