Are you OK?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Israel

Today, my dad made a voodoo doll out of a melon. This seems to happen a lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 991
You deserved it 2 821

Top comments

He practicing for when you start dating, if you haven't already. It'll finally explain why your dates are so uncomfortable. And it's better than a weapon threat. Your dad is a genius!

Maybe he just wants to use it so that you can't elope.


He practicing for when you start dating, if you haven't already. It'll finally explain why your dates are so uncomfortable. And it's better than a weapon threat. Your dad is a genius!

TheDragonsGuard 19

Strange. Maybe help him out with one and try learning his motivation for making them in the process.

I don't understand why this is getting down voted, it makes perfect sense. If you helped out then perhaps he would share his thoughts on why he makes them. Pretty good idea in my opinion.

Witchcraft, ("Wicka") is not the same as Voodoo.

All belief systems are similar to varying degrees. This doesn't mean voodoo and witchcraft can be used interchangeably any more than one could call Hinduism Islam or a Democrat a Republican.

Maybe he just wants to use it so that you can't elope.

Subtle, I can't believe I almost missed that. Op, honey, dew you think you can show some appreciation? Your dad is just trying to protect you!

Haha...I almost missed it too! Good reply, too.

When life hands you melon... Make voodoo dol... Oh wait no. Nevermind!

You should just hope they aren't meant to be you!

U_GotitDude 18

Good thing they don't actually work... That'd be scary

He's just trying to make friends for his other fruit dolls

Well don't piss him off and he won't pretend the melon is you!