
By Ugh - 20/09/2011 10:07 - United States

Today, I discovered that the ancient looking coin I dug up in my front yard is worth hundreds of dollars. Too bad I found that coin when I was eight years-old, and have since misplaced it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 328
You deserved it 6 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IAmTheHeavens 0

Time to mess up your entire house searching for it lol


You were eight. Stuff gets found and lost like earthquakes in Japan. The dirty old coin coulda brought you some bling, but nothing is better than hard-labour money.

ArielTheMermaid 17

Except money that you didn't have to do anything to earn.

muchagente 5

if you can't remember where you put it, you can't be sure it looks like what you think it looks anyway, i guess. if you find it, you will find it's only trash.

I'd try looking for it. It's a. Good chance to do some thorough cleaning, and you'll probably find more lost items.

How did you remember exactly what it looked like? o:

OH MAN, you're that eight year old kid that came into my candy shop all those years ago with that crappy dirty coin. Let me remember...... two packs of baseball cards, three pieces of Hubba-Bubba and an Archie & Jughead comic book. You got a deal kid. I'd write more, but my waiter is coming with my drink and steamed lobster - AHHHHAAAAA, life in Aruba is good -- THANKS KID!

Please let me know who your travel agent is that can get you all that for just hundreds instead of thousands of dollars.

^_^ AARRRRGGGGG there be treasure somewhere there. Keep digging.

RedPillSucks 31

That's AAAAARRRRRR!!!! (Pirate Grammar Nazi)

Look on the bright side: whenever you move, you'll have to go through everything. If you didn't spend it, I'm sure you'll find it.

jerico616 14

Just like when the older generation used Mickey Mantle baseball cards to make noise in the spokes of their bicycles.

Damn that sucks! But you deserve it for misplacing it ;)

perdix 29

You know, if the coin says 500 B.C., it's a fake. People have been tossing those around for years just to screw with gullible, greedy kids.

But the 10000 B.C. bills are real, right? Right? RIGHT?? ****, I'm probably gunna lose my house.

perdix 29

Yeah, I've seen those around. They're the ones written on 8-track tape cassettes? People that know about money and currency, like banks, will realize quickly that bills from 10000 B.C. written on used Styx tapes are not valid. You can palm these things off on dumb hookers, just make sure they don't have smart pimps or you'll get seriously killt!