Ain't it funky

By Anonymous - 05/12/2011 00:40 - United States

Today, I cleaned my toilet. I had forgotten it was white. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 236
You deserved it 49 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's nasty, keep your bathroom clean. Trust me, it's important.

ninjuh_wingman 29

How dirty are you that you didnt remember what color your toilet was?


Ew i clean my bathroom everyday just because of the germs and all! Its disgusting

"Every day"? Isn't that a tad overboard? I mean, germs are just a fact of life, y'know. You have an immune system for a reason, so you may as well take advantage of it.

Do you clean the door knobs in your house everyday too?

HeartAndSoul2011 0
texas_redneck88 10

That's ******' disgustin'. Thanks for givin' the rest of us Texans a bad name

perdix 29

You need better aim! That's just garden-variety laziness if the inside of the bowl is shit-stained, but if the rim and the outside are discolored, you've got to relearn how to pee and poop!

compasseagle89 8

how do you soil the outside of the toilet?

Wow it took me a minute to understand that but ewwwww that's so nasty!!!! *barf*