A good grunting

By Anonymous - 06/01/2013 13:06 - United States - Tampa

Today, I realized my girlfriend makes the same exact noises in bed and when she eats. I don't know if I'm a really good cook or a really bad lover. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 258
You deserved it 4 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's good if she makes those noises during oral, means you are giving her something filing and satisfying


perdix 29

Go with the "good cook" option, until your girlfriend gets too fat or dumps you. If you think you are a lousy lover, you'll become one. It's called a self-fulfilling prophecy.

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

I've heard of that term before, it's like with the horoscope thing. If you believe you'll have a bad day, you'll subconsciously cause yourself to have one.

Just take the good with the bad here. Time to have some kinky food sex or foreplay.

OP should break out the chocolate body paint and whipped cream.

It's not because the noises are the same that you can relate one to another. Apparently I moan throughout the entire day, yet I doubt it has anything to do with my sexual pleasure at that moment.

If you moan throughout the day I think it might be a bit embarrassing to hang out with you...

Boaf, I don't think it's that bad. I don't notice it, family doesn't notice it, friends doesn't notice it... only my boyfriend does. He likes to point out every moan I make during not-sexual activities and thinking about it, they mostly happen in situations where I'm very relaxed. So if I'm were OP, I wouldn't worry to much.

Normally I'd say yes, nutella is the solution to most of the worlds problems. But here, with this particular FML, it's impossible to tell in which way you're referring to the nutella. If you were referring to nutella during love, then I'd ask you, they made vanilla nutella?!?!?!

olpally 32

Uh, this is definitely ranking up there on my weird shit-o-meter of fml's. lol. WTF?

55 - With his 1,500 comments? I think not. Might want to get a mechanic on that scale though... *I realize you were being sarcastic, just saying!* :P

Awe I see it's FMLception. Mind blown.

olpally 32

I've been on here for two years actually. I've been busy working a lot lately. If I get a chance to comment I will. This comment, not my best. I'll admit that :)

Op quick ques!! If u r good cook then she should be making the noises of joy and so as in bed as well then.... Then how u r bad in sex!! 'Confused'

shhhhhh....I think it's trying to communicate.

I am also confused. What are you trying to say?

I believe the OP is gender confused.

Have you not considered that OP might be a lesbian?

poor OP, lucky girlfriend it sounds like

Well I ain't really experianced in either field of wonderful cooking or fantastic love making...but I'm assuming from reading your FML that you are obviously both a good cook and lover. So I'm stumped as to whether you deserve this or if your life sucks becuase I don't think I could choose either