By Anonymous - 19/08/2015 05:49 - United States - San Jose

Today, my mom kissed me goodbye before I went to a big job interview. I got weird looks on the way there, but I figured it was just because I look like a massive douche in formal wear. Turns out my mom had smeared lipstick all over my chin. The person who finally let me know was my interviewer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 975
You deserved it 2 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve95401 49

You should have ducked into a bathroom before your interview for a final check of your appearance. Better luck on your next interview.

TheEpicKitten 20


TheEpicKitten 20

yeah at least lipstick alone can't reveal that it was indeed, mom, & not a significant other.

Steve95401 49

You should have ducked into a bathroom before your interview for a final check of your appearance. Better luck on your next interview.

Ok good, as long as I wasn't the only one who thought it bizarre that someone walked into a "big interview" without even looking at themselves in a mirror.

Steve95401 49

Using the mirror on your car's sun visor would have been better than not checking at all.

Running late for an interview is also a big no no.

iShanny 13

Big boys use mirrors to check themselves before going in. Were you needing mommy to do it?

He was fine after mommy changed his diaper and kissed his chin. Haha.

As long as the interviewer didn't see it as too much of a faux pas

did he tell you looked beautiful, and that the shade really complemented your complexion.

why was the lipstick on your chin? did she kiss you on the chin? it just sounds like a strange kiss area.

As long as you didn't give the interviewer too much lip, he shouldn't have had a stick up his ass about it. Hopefully he just glossed over it.

I can't tell if I'm super stoned or if you inserted lipstick puns on purpose

They were obviously intentional with their puns young chap. They smacked their lip puns right in that comment.

did anyone else think of the SpongeBob episode where his grandma gave him a kiss before he went to work?

bibble27 9

Hopefully Squidward wasn't conducting the interview. Or any of the judgemental citizens of Bikini Bottom. Why was it such a crime his grandma loved him? He was the only person on that show with loved ones. No one even knows the "MY LEG" Guy's name. Excuse that random rant. I get passionate about my cartoons.

bibble27 9