By O - 24/02/2015 10:19 - Sweden

Today, my boss called me, furious about how I "never answer my phone", especially when important clients are trying to reach me, and how unprofessional I am. I make very sure to never miss any calls, my boss just keeps giving out the wrong number to people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 407
You deserved it 2 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oof. Don't you hate it how people blame you for their own mistakes? Sorry OP! Hopefully it gets fixed :)

A07 48

Sorry OP, but you need to sit him down and explain it to him slowly and then hope he gets it.


Oof. Don't you hate it how people blame you for their own mistakes? Sorry OP! Hopefully it gets fixed :)

Get some business cards made for him to hand out. Then there won't be any reason for him to mess up.

Yeah it's like the one-two punch of management. Little guy always takes the blame and if you aren't the type that blames others in middle management upper level will see you as incompetent.

Well your boss needs to realize that he's giving the wrong number

You need to smack your boss, in the name of the Emperor!

Then tell him? And if he keeps saying the same thing; keep telling him the same thing.

A07 48

Sorry OP, but you need to sit him down and explain it to him slowly and then hope he gets it.

What if he called the wrong number and meant to call someone else (for his rant)?

Write your number down in big black bold numbers and tell him to give people the proper number and you will answer!

Confront him about it, I'm sure he'll understand

You really haven't worked a lot if you think the boss would understand that he's the reason the clients are frustrated.