
By chloecamp - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Ellington

Today, every house in my neighborhood was vandalized. They skipped our house. Everybody thinks it was me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 863
You deserved it 4 304

Top comments

omgitsmoe 26

That does come across as very suspicious, sorry op): at least your house isn't vandalized


omgitsmoe 26

If they can't prove any evidence you're ok!

omgitsmoe 26

His neighbors might hate and maybe vandalize his house , so don't just assume they'd be ok

If they do that then they will have to pay for it. Revenge isn't free!

Apparently you are ****** because no proof = guilty.

I'm sure some people will count the fact that OP was the only one unvandalized as proof.

Well, it's somewhat hard to blame the neighbours though. Logic suggests that OP was in on it even that he's not. But maybe he just haven't found the massive turd the vandals laid in his shed. Once that is found they'll believe OP

I'm sorry. Just explain to them that you would never do that.

RpiesSPIES 27

#46 I would never make a pointlessly rhetorical comment.

You are innocent until proven guilty, they have no proof he did it.

Even though the neighbors can't prove it doesn't mean the OP isn't going to be hated by his neighbors. You're innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the law, but not so much with people. Hope it works out somehow, OP!

incoherentrmblr 21

Guess OP has work to do tonight. Set your mailbox on fire or something that will cause post-fake-vandalism attention by the whole block. Get grandma out in the yard crying with firefighters. .. its the only way.

That does come across as very suspicious, sorry op): at least your house isn't vandalized

football98_fml 20

I'd rather have my house vandalized than have the whole neighborhood hate me. One of her neighbors are bound to vandalize her house for thinking she vandalized theirs

How about you beat them to it and vandalize your house before they do. That'll show 'em!

kingdomgirl94 29

Just explain that it would be stupid and obvious to vandalise every house except your own if you were the one who did it, and that its more likely that someone wants you blamed.

Write "IT WASN'T ME" in the same colour paint across your garage door. That will make them believe you for sure!

Only an idiot would vandalize everyone else but leave their house fine. OP should probably explain that to the neighbors, that could possibly help.

You're assuming that the neighbors think that the OP isn't an idiot. Which isn't really a good assumption.

should have trashed your own place then i guess... no, but they are going to hate you now

football98_fml 20

Well that really sucks... FYL

Trinidad727 9

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JMichael 25