The Jack Nicholson look

By jake - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I accidentally shaved part of my eyebrow. It now looks like I'm trying to raise one without moving the other. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 000
You deserved it 22 692

Top comments

RaquelW 7

Shave the other side. Pretend to be constantly surprised.


jojoboy 0

If you smellllllllll.. What the ROCK is cookin' *insert OP's face here*

Exactly how do you "accidentally" do that? Shaving your beard and WHOOOPS, the blade slips above your eyes?... Unless... Werewolves...

Maybe Op has a unibrow and felt the need to shave it....

thiscrazything 1

Now you will be looking very suspiciously at everyone until it grows back.

n_epic_fail 14

That's popular hear in da hood...

Try having a serious conversation, I dare you.

RaquelW 7

Shave the other side. Pretend to be constantly surprised.

FlamingTacos 7

Or you can use some magic marker to redraw it

princev3 4

Wow are you trying to kill OP. Shaving facial hair is proven to cause leukemia and prostate cancer. The only way to prevent this painful disease is to drink a cup on Lysol everymorning, then roll in grass to clense your skin from the outside thoughts. The iching feeling you feel is actually the evil spirts leaving your body.

The_Troller 14

17- Just leave those types of comments to perdix.

Can you please remove your tongue from perdix's ass please...... Unless u like that sort of thing?

When I was 7 I cut my eyebrows off with scissors and redrew them in with green permanent marker. My mom almost cried when she saw me.

FMLephant 2

Cheaper than Botox or a facelift!


LibraLove 0

Now that was actually your fault.

Melinie 7

Now it probably looks like you could have the expression, "Say whaaaaaaat?"

kimcompton83 12

Why would a man ever shave their eyebrows?

Why would a female ever shave theirs? Unless they draw it back afterwards, which is another topic.

What if they dont? Or leave the smallest bit left on each side

Don't worry, it'll grow back. Oh wait, no it probably won't. You should've stuck with the unibrow.

Torva_fml 16

Zero is better than one. (depending on the severity.)

I'm not a doctor or anything but I'm pretty sure shaved hair grows back. :)

SmittyJA24 26

That's what I was thinking ... trying to look like "The Rock"....

Sadly I was thinking the same thing.

How does one go about accidentally shaving part of their eyebrow? YDI.