The Katdashians

By obnum - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met my new girlfriend at her house for the very first time. And her 17 cats, whose names all begin with the letter "K", because they're all "kewl kats." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 483
You deserved it 9 378

Top comments

lalala1896 6

Your've got yourself a keeper ;)


lalala1896 6

Your've got yourself a keeper ;)

TheElBurrrito 21
sailorzoe 14
euphoricness 28

Not just a keeper, but a Kat Keeper!

48- not just a Kat Keeper, but a Kewl Kat Keeper!

ElementaryEdGuy 18

I can see this being a TLC show. "Hi. I'm your girlfriend, and these are my cats. Kosh, Kana, Kohn David, Kessa, Kinger..."

KyraJFoxx 14

Especially if she's into playing dress up.. krazy kat lady during the day , sexy Cat Woman at night. Hopefully SOME thing more comes out of it for you OP , good luck !

9lashes 15

-45 just cuz shes a weird cat lady doesnt mean you ditch her thats messed up! unless you allergic to cats then keep a safe distance d:

Except for the bit where cats have to be kept away from a newborn. :)

105- Krazy Kat ladies get ditched... That's why they wind up crazy old cat ladies who live alone...

OPs girlfriend is probably just a fan of Mortal Kombat, and cats ofcourse...

Because in mortal kombat everything is spelled with a "k" jeez...

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Johnny Cage isn't from the realm of Kombat. He just went to fight in the tournament.

Doesn't stop Kurtis Stryker from having 'K' in his name.

groovycrazyjoe 18

she has lot of pussy definitely a keeper :-)

I know 17 is a lot, but come on, she sounds like she's got a spunky personality and a sense of humor!

wlddog 14

142 - How many kewl kata do you have???

wlddog 14
Quiet_one 22

While I agree that cats are awesome pets, 17 is a tad excessive. I'm sensing a potential episode of Hoarders in this girl.

I'm thinking more along the lines of Animal Cops.

I sense a new reality show. "17 Cats and Counting."

SynysterNero 20

More like on this season of animal hoarders we discuss the krazy kat woman.

You're in for so many scratches and awkward night-time stares :P

Squirrel1256 15

Hope you're not a dog person.

I'm a cat person and it still sounds like hell.