By limeychefboy - 23/02/2018 01:30

Today, I was on my motorbike 200km from home in the middle of nowhere when I needed to poop, so I found a wooded area and did my thing. As I was climbing back up, I knocked my helmet from its perch and watched it roll right into what I’d just left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 718
You deserved it 2 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now the other drivers are going to think you had your head up your ass.


Zekfen 17

On the bright side your day couldn't get any crappier right?

simply123 7
manb91uk 22

I guess you’re 200KM up shit street without a saddle...

So... what did you use for toilet paper?

Now the other drivers are going to think you had your head up your ass.

Lobby_Bee 17

Assuming you meant the shit got inside your helmet, you could take your shirt off and wrap it around your head before putting it back on your head. Not illegal to ride without a shirt but illegal to ride without a helmet.

With the shovel he carries on all his rides

Helmets are expensive! It’d make a lot more sense to clean the shit off the helmet, rather than bury it and have to buy a new one!

I did get it. I was just making a joke about the ambiguity of your language.

I can see the you skipped on motorcycle 101. Never leave your helmet on a place where you can easily drop it


Why didn't you shit farther then your bike? what did you step off and shot