This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By pixie_cb - 05/05/2016 04:05 - United States

Today, my last day before I leave for maternity leave, I come home to a raging sinus infection. The baby is due in 2 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 315
You deserved it 59

Top comments

That doesn't sound like fun at all, and aren't you cutting it a bit fine for going on leave? What if the baby was 2 days early ?

Lots of women work right up until they go into labor.


That doesn't sound like fun at all, and aren't you cutting it a bit fine for going on leave? What if the baby was 2 days early ?

Lots of women work right up until they go into labor.

Depending on how long the maternity leave is, the OP might be cutting it close so when the baby is born, she gets as much time with it as possible. For example, if Mat leave is 3 months, I'd keep working until close to my day to give birth because 3 months isn't too long, and I'd want most of that time to recover from giving birth and bond with my child.

Maternity leave varies from woman to woman... A lot of women are fine to work up until the baby's born and are given a few days' wiggle room to start their leave early just in case. For mine, I was given restrictions and had to leave work at 34 weeks, even though baby isn't due for another two weeks. Incredible at how variable pregnancies are ._.

Oh weird, I just submitted an FML ridiculously similar to this one, as did a close friend of mine. It seems the last 2 weeks of pregnancy and sinus infections are a common thing this month! Hope you feel better soon OP and best of luck with the baby! :/