
By kjmsit - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I reached into my fridge to grab a strawberry soda. I noticed the can had started to leak from the top so I slurped up the spilt red liquid on the top of the can. I realized it wasn't soda, but blood from a defrosting steak on the shelf above it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 294
You deserved it 23 885

Top comments

Oh man, nasty! That's why meat goes on the bottom. Hope you don't get sick.

Are you vegetarian? That'd be even worse.


FYL for drinking blood but YDI for not putting it on the bottom shelf! I still clicked FYL though.

I clicked YDI the second I saw "leak from the top". Gravity does not work that way.

drewfus2 6

the pressure in the can forced it up. haven't you ever shaken up a soda?

Death_to_my_life 0

Yeah, um.... if it was a CAN of soda, it wouldn't leak in the first place unless it had been tampered with (opened) before hand... so next time, if you think "Say, my unopened CAN of soda is leaking! Nummy nums" and go to suck off the 'spill over'... Well, go ahead and don't XDD secondly... my dad defrosts steak all the time, and just lets the blood drip everywhere. I've gone through a similar situation......... not fun... not tasty...

You wouldn't even try to complain if you'd be H.Lecter. -. -

Maybe now you can entice all the crazy Twilight fangirls.

EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ew ew ew ew e we wewwewewewewewew ew we weqrqew wq w

G_thelegend 0

i agree. theyre all like EWWWWEWEEWWWWW but i dont see the big problemo. LOL everyone fails.

Theres nothing wrong with a little vampirism.....unless it's the sparkly ****** kind

Jade_Rothwell 0

Agree with # 1 Meat ALWAYS goes on the bottom... an not above each other either

Thats why god invented cling wrap, buddy.