
By kjmsit - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I reached into my fridge to grab a strawberry soda. I noticed the can had started to leak from the top so I slurped up the spilt red liquid on the top of the can. I realized it wasn't soda, but blood from a defrosting steak on the shelf above it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 294
You deserved it 23 885

Top comments

Oh man, nasty! That's why meat goes on the bottom. Hope you don't get sick.

Are you vegetarian? That'd be even worse.


DrunkenLullaby 0

#52...You're really lame. Get a life. This is really nasty. Geeze...I can't imagine what it must feel like to be expecting a mouthful of soda and getting a mouthful of cold blood instead. It gives me the chills and a bad taste in my mouth just thinking about it. EwWw!

Jennydew 0

Ugh, gross! That made my stomach turn...

Ew, usually I like my steak to the point where it is still mooing, but this is disgusting.

Thats ******* disgusting! Shouldn't you realize that its not strawberry soda?

ChocolatexGames 0

You thought that an UNOPENED soda was leaking around the top? Really? Use that thing between your ears, pls

#17, that bacteria gets killed when you cook it, and I defrost meat beside my sink still in all the packageing, so it's actually fine and you are a germaphob.

Well, at least you can score a date with some crazy gothic teenagers now that you're like their "Edward."

...and this is why I'm a vegetarian D: