Young love

By loser - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Pompano Beach

Today, I asked the girl I sort of like as we were leaving class how her day was going so far. She said, "Great. Don't ruin it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 059
You deserved it 3 364

Top comments

I'll never understand such blatantly rude people.

Try taking a hint from her attitude. She is cold. She doesn't seem like the kind of person you want to be around. It isn't your fault, OP. Hopefully that didn't ruin YOUR day.


Sounds like she tried to Ruin him! Stay strong OP

I'll never understand such blatantly rude people.

I'll never understand people who refuse to see the other possibilities. I'm guessing this was just some playful teasing, since the two are on speaking terms. EDIT: Nevermind. OP's username changed my opinion.

Try taking a hint from her attitude. She is cold. She doesn't seem like the kind of person you want to be around. It isn't your fault, OP. Hopefully that didn't ruin YOUR day.

Yeah someone rude like that is so not worth it!

C-come in bro. Just embrace the hug. I got you.

KhaleesiDannie 26

She sounds like a lovely person....OP start looking elsewhere you need a girl who will treat you nicely not some rude moose

19990231 29

Silly girl. Moose don't go to school.

Yep sounds like the type to sh*t rainbows and ponies! ;) I love your term 'rude moose', btw.

@21 they do at my old high school lol its the mascot and they've come in the door before...

pwnman 33

Don't be heartbroken. Laugh it off that a girl you kind of liked was a rude bitch.

For real!!! The type of girl you wanna take to dinner, so she can be mean to you and rude to the wait staff all evening. If OP's lucky, maybe she would end the date with a goodnight belch in his face. Why stop there? Bring her in to meet his parents so she can be a bitch to them and rude to his cat. Extra points if she insults OP's mom's clothes/hair/makeup/housing decor/weight!

I wonder if rude people know they're rude.

what a rude ass. go ahead and ruin her day then, because that was just mean. sorry op