You dolt!

By ilovefootball - 07/09/2009 19:21 - United States

Today, I was walking on a busy street. I saw this beautiful blonde walking across the street and a car was coming. I wanted to be like in the movies where the guy pushes the girl out of the way so she doesn't get hit. I accidentally pushed her the wrong way. Right into the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 193
You deserved it 78 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fxdxhk90 0

So..... what are the police charging you with?

dcstream 0


meezer008 0

omg thats the funniest thing i ever heard! XD thats horrible about her getting hurt but come on guy, epic fail

I agree with just about everyone..... 1) Idiot. 2) Things don't always work in the movies. 3) You should be in jail right now. 4) This is not a fml moment. 5) EPIC FAIL!!!! 6) Strong possiblity of being FAKE. So, quit bitching about something you could have controlled. -OR- Stop lying to everyone for attention. How about that OP?

iceman219 0

Fake story. You can't "accidentally" push her into a ******* car

Levixxrock 0

ahahaha im LMAO. ahaha i can imagine that.

chrismace 11

You pushed her in front of a car? How do you accidentally push someone in front of a car???

Shut up you two, I bet your British shitbags

Ok. That's ****** up. I'm American. We aren't all bad ppl. I have to admit some of them are very ******* stupid. But come on... Don't judge ppl by the country they live in. That's wrong.