By ElevatorThug - 25/08/2009 09:17 - Singapore

Today, as I got into an elevator, I spotted a little old lady hobbling desperately to get on. I frantically tapped on the 'door open' button but the doors closed. I got dirty looks from the people in the lift, only then did I realise I had frantically tapped the 'door close' button instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 219
You deserved it 34 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Paigggee 0

Uhm last time i checked close is a five letter word and open is a four letter word, learn to spell.

elevators dont use "open" and "close" as their buttons, they use symbols. smart a**.

Chasted 0

You could have said you had a phobia of old ladies...

HornyBastardHEHE 0

You should of let that shit close on her . . Who Cares ! ? Her old ass needs some exercise anyways, so FYL BITCH

"No! I swear! I was trying to hit the "Door Open" button! I swear! God dammit!"

It's not a big deal at all, i would have done it just for the laugh..

You should have said "I'm sorry I pressed the wrong button."

sublime93 0

Idk what kinda poor-ass elevators you been in Yonika, but in my building the buttons in the elevator say DOOR OPEN & DOOR CLOSE. With symbols, also.