You absolute melt

By errints234234 - 13/05/2010 23:31 - United States

Today, I was reading a magazine while straightening my hair. I got really into this one article until suddenly a huge clump of hair fell on it. I looked up and realized I had burned through the layer of hair I was straightening, leaving me with one layer at ear length and the rest at bra length. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 708
You deserved it 47 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

VenusBlue 0

YDI for not paying attention while doing your hair. Lame.


That's why you don't multitask when using hot things. have basically an oven pressed to your head and you tried to multitask? Extremely dangerous. That being said, I'd bobby pin that shorter part back and fold your other hair around and over it. Wouldn't be very noticeable if you did it correctly.

snarkytruth 37

Never thought about it being like an oven but it does get hotter than most common baking temps. I'll never forget that imagery now lol

YDI for trying to read and do your hair at the same time.

how the hell did you not smell your hair burning?

what kind of idiot reads a magazine while straightening their hair? ydi