Who's at fault?

By Anonymous - 05/08/2015 17:35 - United States - Keuka Park

Today, my boyfriend tried to claim it was my fault that he cheated on me, all because I "deprived" him of sex for two weeks last month when I went on a family vacation. If his mental gymnastics were physical, I swear he'd be able to suck his own cock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 747
You deserved it 2 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

It's ridiculous the rationality people come up with for cheating on people.

Well, I guess he can just backwards roll right out of your life, then.


Guys like him are exhausting. He'll probably do that to another girl, and the next. Some people are selfish and impossible to please in that way.

seems like he won a gold medal in being a douchebag

Haha! Classic! Sorry for your asshat of a fella OP

dakid87 10

I know someone who went to art school and sculpted a beautiful dragon head for one of her projects. Got a D on it. Meanwhile someone else in her class took a dead cat from a science lab, gift wrapped it, and left it on the bus for someone to find so they could record their reactions and got an A. Art is retarded.

I will never understand how people comment on the wrong FML.

you commented on the wrong post there, #27.

LadyLuck93 20

Seriously he couldn't wait 2 ******* weeks? thats such a cheap move from him, unbelievable.

It's probably for the best. You don't need that kind of stupidity in your life OP.