Where is this kid now?

By randa - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I told my son that his grades are dropping and his behavior is getting out of hand. To which he replied, "Yeah, so is your weight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 119
You deserved it 16 938


CeeCee_fml 16

...And that's when you smacked the shit out of him?

RedShirted 3

sounds like you're your son's bitch

This isn't a YDI... We don't know if OP is fat, and the kid doesnt have to be raised bad to be rude. Heard of hormones? People tend to get an attitute as they get older. For example, my mom is (skinny, and) a great mother who has raised us well, but when my older brother hit his teens and turned into a total douche. He ALWAYS talks back, so: 1) It's not a YDI 2) It's not even really an FML 3) You all are retarded. -.-

fricknugget 3

OH GET OWNED!!!!!! PWND!!! I WANNA HI HIVE UR KID RIT NOW!!!!!!!! it was rlly awesome but i ges its a lil tad bit mean

rachm15 0

ok reading through the comments and all I kept reading is that she deserved the way her son disrespected her that little bastard needs to get his ass whipped and learn that u don't treat adults like that. my kids would loose teeth if they ever spoke to me like that.

boringday123 7

What a brat, give him some discipline.

im a mother aswell and if my son EVER said that to me i'd slap the taste out of his mouth! period. point. blank.