Where is this kid now?

By randa - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I told my son that his grades are dropping and his behavior is getting out of hand. To which he replied, "Yeah, so is your weight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 119
You deserved it 16 938


in my day my mother would have slapped the shit outta my face. I think that's what this little a-hole deserves

Darklord53 0

K then shut up noob... Go make him a sammich so he can feed his mind

how u gonna let ur kid talk to u like that?!?!

His grades are dropping- I hope your weight is too.

Miranday 0
missnoel 0

Hey OP. There's this thing that parents did back a few years ago. It's called "Discipline." Supposably it keeps your children from growing into morons. :-D Might be something to look into.

My parents were not afraid to lay down the law. You shouldn't be either.

Avenged7Gabe 0

#173 Parents turned into *******, that's what happened to the belt