When pranks go too far

By ObviousBooty - 17/07/2016 07:31 - United States - Kankakee

Today, me and my dad were in a sort of prank war. I decided to get him back for one last time tonight, so I hid in his office to scare him. This would have been okay had I not caught him watching porn. I had to hide for an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 134
You deserved it 3 809

Same thing different taste


If you came out, you might've been in a sticky situation.

At least it's just **** and not Pickle ****.

moocowmilk0 19

be glad he was only just watching **** and not doing anything else

Now that is horrible. Saw more of your pops than you ever wanted to see. Good luck getting that memory out of your head cuzzo !

My dad and I is the proper grammar. Sorry not sorry.

AviKerensky 17

As an All-Star Scare Pranker at home, you deserve it. Always spring the prank at the earliest possible moment. Should have gotten him the moment he walked in, well before he had the chance to open ****.

nope, would have jumped and ran before hiding and listening to that horror.