What were you thinking?

By Anonymous - 08/08/2023 10:00

Today, assuming he'd be okay with it, I brought my two kids with me on a first date, as I didn't want to pay for child care. My date made me pay for the kids' meals and my own, then blocked my number afterwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 106
You deserved it 3 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't want to pay for child care, but wanted your date, on a first date, to pay for everyone's meal - without even checking with them first? Nuh-uh. They usually say that assuming makes an ass out of you and hey, it really did this time. 110% YDI.

What happens when you ASSUME? You make an ASS out of U and ME (and your kids.) On what planet would bringing kids on a first date be okay? Yours kids shouldn't know anything about the guys you date until you've gotten to know them well enough.


I think this would have been fine if he wasn't blindsided. Pretty weird for a first date but if he knew what to expect not a deal breaker.

You absolutely deserve it. Why would you possibly assume your date would be okay with you bringing your kids to a DATE? Especially if you didn't discuss it first? And then you expected him to pay for YOUR kids' meals, plus your own? Good on him for ditching you. And think about this - what you wound up paying for the meals is probably more or less the same amount you'd have paid for child care, anyway. I call this karma.