What the frick?

By cuckoo - 22/08/2015 03:59 - United States - Mobile

Today, I was shopping with my girlfriend, when I saw my best friend. I jokingly did a double-take and said I didn't recognize him with his clothes on. We laughed, talked a bit, then went our separate ways. My girlfriend later dumped me, claiming I'm blatantly gay and cheating on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 530
You deserved it 4 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that's a win if she can't take a joke

She should learn to take a joke, it's friends like those you want to keep and girlfriends like her who you're better without!


I guess she just doesn't get guy humor.

I don't think the best friend logic works with her...

I agree with #1 it sounds like she has no sense of humor. No one should have to deal with that.

she obviously needs help. bullet dodged

if she's that jealous and possessive, she wasn't right for you anyways. there's always more fish in the sea. find someone who you can agree with and you'll be just fine.

hmariem810 2

My husband and his friends say stuff like this. I get concerned when it stops.

To me, this looks like a normal thing for best friends to do.

kitsuneluvuh 12

Jeez, if I was the girlfriend I'd just ask if I could watch next time. XD