
By Anonymous - 31/12/2010 20:46 - United States

Today, I was making a snowman with my little cousin. I was collecting snow just outside the house, when out of nowhere a snowball struck me in the back of the head and caused me to headbutt the wall. I woke up a short while later to a medic telling me I had a nasty concussion. Thanks, cousin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 874
You deserved it 3 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xMafia 0

If they ban snowball fights, I'm coming for you.

There's snow in Texas right now? o.O Cool!


fthku 13

Don't people on FMYLIFE seem REALLY physically weak to you at times? First a kid dislocates his shoulder by sneezing, now this.

Were you expecting "Today, my massive strength caused me to break my phone when my dream employer called to offer me a job. FML"? What seems more likely to you?

fthku 13

No, but that's not what I was saying was I? I love how you put words into my mouth like that. Does getting your head thrown into a wall from a SNOWBALL or dislocating your shoulder from a sneeze seem likely to YOU?

seriously dude she's just making a point! geez kewl off man

madalynn 11

those kind of things CAN happen. that's the whole point of the site, to share bad things that have happened to you no matter how strange. usually the more strange, the worse it is.

fthku 13

I was just making MY point. All I was saying is that to me, these things seem very unlikely and wouldn't normally happen to people. Sheesh, can't people have opinions anymore? And you say *I* need to cool off.

Actually, being silent is the rule. Cooling off is just a preference.

ckjacques53198 0

the snow ball had that much force. wow

mrpager 0

well how freaking old are you??? it was a snowball not a bowling ball and to top it off, YOUR LITTLE COUSIN!!!!!!

AMAZINashleigh 6

unless that snowball had a brick in it, I highly doubt a snowball could have that much force to pound your head into a wall. I'm not saying it didn't happen or anything..but ya know...hahaha.

Thinking the same thing. Maybe the snow turned to ice.

I wonder if the little cousin did what I used to do as a kid. I used to make a snowball, dip it in water, let it freeze, then put more snow over it and then launch it at people. Thats the only way I can think a snowball could force the head to snap forward off a snowball

Aww. Snow way your cousin got away with giving you a concussion.

whiskerz 0

cousin 1 you 0...time to even the score!

derpherp 0