Waiting around

By Anonymous - 04/06/2009 14:46 - Australia

Today, my fiancé of two years told me he was bored of me and he'd just prolonged the engagement to see if anyone more interesting would come along in the mean time. He was upset because no one did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 490
You deserved it 3 590

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ashleyirene 0

Well that obviously means you were more interesting than any other girl he met. He's an idiot, don't marry him. He needs to grow up. Who does that?


shmunk 0

this isnt even an fml, its just sad. im so sorry. what a jerk. you obviously deserve better than a desperate loser like that.

weeeee 0

Just get rid of the loser im sure you can do better

charris11 0

damn FYL n *** ur fiancee cuz thts an asshole move

theoldGP 0

YDI because you didnt leave him before now. how desperate are you that a guy can say shit like that to you and you not leave? that's ****** up. he's obvs treating you like shit. (My God.. he was waiting for someone better to just appear in his life.) jesus christ. its like he's trying to get you to dump him. what an asshole.

simplybad 0

37 I agree with u totally. Hahahahaha. What's that all about?!

It's your fault for being so boring!

#33- So, do you always talk this much?

At least you're more interesting than all the other people he's met since then? Either way, that's not a very cool thing to do.

Nothing wrong with a long engagement...I was engaged to the woman who is now my wife for about four years.

helios_rex 0

Who remains engaged for two years anyways? That should have been a sign to you!