By John - 24/06/2011 23:58 - United States

Today, while walking home I was jumped by two guys, one of whom shouted, "You shouldn't have run your mouth off, Rick!" My name is John. Only after they repeatedly axe-kicked me in the chest did they realize their mistake. It now hurts to breathe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 131
You deserved it 3 244

Same thing different taste


How dare you look like someone else? Ydi Not really, that sucks. People are idiots, hope you're posting this either from the hospital or resting up after getting treated. I'd say go find Rick but it sounds like you'll have to get in line to kick his ass.

somerandomdude19 2

at least u werent round house kicked by chuck norris

moustachesmileyf 0

dude feel better my thoughts and prayers are now with you :3

hateevryone 14

i hope you called the police

Suddenly 0
Meaningless 1

Call the police for assault?