By Anonymous - 06/02/2011 17:53 - United States

Today, while waiting on a customer at a restaurant, I accidentally asked a midget if she'd like a children's menu. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 755
You deserved it 30 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that must have been embarrassing for you, but she probably has to put up with that frequently, so I would say f her life. Not for being of short stature, but more for the confusion, jokes, and stares she probably deals with daily.

Apologize, tell her it was an honest mistake and offer her the meal (or drinks, whatever) for free.


talktomandybaby 8

What does that have to do w/ anything?

pinkballoon 0

I believe #25 is implying that blondes are dumb. Tsk tsk #25...

spanelli 16

25- The fact that you have a picture of Bieber and are a brunette makes you dumber than a blond...

forgotten_addict 1

i wish i was short, i'd laugh my ass off if i was and someone asked me that

YOU ARE GOING TO HELL, OP!!! jk we all make mistakes...

Some lil' people do look like kids. Honest mistake OP. Don't feel so bad. (:

smartgirl188 4

that's mean can't you say lttile person instead of midget my cousin is a little person. it's your fault look at the face first!

Why is 'little person' more acceptable? That sounds worse than midget.

TheFamilyGuy 0

so did she take it??? :D what color crayons did u give her to draw with?! :)

krazy_glu3 0

this totally made my day!!! hahaha. sucks for you tho!

It's actually a fair question. And in clothing stores they want to look in the children's section, and in many cases they probably appreciate help reaching high shelves. But I feel your pain...